Leadership Structure
The character of leaders of the Network of Prayer Groups (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) is expected to correspond to the requirements laid down by Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 3: 1-13 and Titus 1: 5-9. They must also have certain qualifications as can be found in the OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND LEADERS’ MANUAL of CCR Ghana.
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At all levels of the Network of Prayer Groups (NPGs), there shall be formed an Assembly of Leaders. The leadership shall thus be structured as follows:
1. The National Assembly of Leaders (NAL) also known as the National Assembly;
2. The National Assembly of Leaders’ Core (NAL Core)/ the National Assembly Core;
3. The Provincial Assembly of Leaders (PAL), also known as the Provincial Assembly;
4. The Diocesan Assembly of Leaders (DAL), also known as the Diocesan Assembly;
5. The Zonal/District/Deanery Assembly of Leaders, also known as the Zonal…Assembly;
6. Local Assembly of Leaders (LALs), also known as the Local Assembly.
The goal of the National Assembly of Leaders, also known as the National Assembly, is to build and strengthen Prayer Groups in Ghana, help prayer groups live their charismatic identity, and as well, see to its national coordination and proper integration of Prayer Groups into the CHARIS National Service of Communion (CNSC).
The composition of the NAL shall comprise the following:
1. The NAL Core
2. Three (3) representatives from each Diocesan Assembly of Leaders
3. Provincial/ITI-CCR Chaplain
4. Three (3) representatives from ITI-CCR NCT
5. Two (2) representatives from each National Ministry Coordinating Team
6. The Director may bring to a NAL Core meeting any staff who can contribute meaningfully to discussion at the meeting.
The members of the NAL Core shall consist of the following:
1. National Leader
2. National Director
3. National Financial Secretary
4. National Chaplain
5. Assistant National Director
6. Immediate Past National Leader
7. Two (2) representatives from each Province (preferably Provincial Leader and another representative from the Provincial Assembly of Leaders Core)
8. ITI-CCR National Leader
9. Five (5) National Ministry Representatives
i. One representative from Ministries (selected from and by ministries that have no singular representation on the core)
ii. Youth Ministry National Leader
iii. Two (2) Women Ministry Representatives
iv. One (1) Children Ministry Representative
NB: The Administrative Secretary of the CCR Centre, Adom Fie, shall serve as Recording Secretary to the NAL and its Core
Provincial Assembly of Leaders (PALs), also known as Provincial Assembly, shall exist in each of the Ecclesiastical Province of the Church. The PAL shall comprise the following:
a. The PAL Core
b. Two (2) representatives from each Provincial Ministry (preferably Leader and Secretary)
1. Two (2) representatives from each Diocesan Assembly of Leaders (preferably Leader and Secretary)
c. Provincial Chaplain/Spiritual Director
The PAL Core shall comprise of
1. The Provincial Leader;
2. The Asst. Provincial Leader;
3. The Immediate Past Provincial Leader;
4. The Provincial Secretary;
5. The Assistant Provincial Secretary
6. The Provincial Financial Secretary;
7. The Provincial Chaplain/Spiritual Director;
8. Two representatives each from the Provincial Women’s Ministry, Children Ministry and the Provincial Youth Ministry (preferably Leader and Secretary).
Diocesan Assembly of Leaders (DAL), also known as the Diocesan Assembly, shall exist in every Diocese where Prayer Groups exist. The Diocesan Assembly shall comprise the following:
1. Arch/Diocesan Leader;
2. The Assistant Arch/Diocesan Leader;
3. Immediate Past Arch/Diocesan Leader
4. The Secretary;
5. The Assistant Secretary
6. The Arch/Diocesan Financial Secretary;
7. The Arch/ Diocesan Spiritual Chaplain /Director;
8. The Arch/Diocesan Chairman (if Arch/Diocesan Leader’s appointment is full time);
9. Two representatives:
a. Arch/Diocesan Ministry Coordinating Teams (preferably Leader and Secretary),
b. Zonal/District/Deanery Assembly of Leaders (preferably Leader and Secretary);
c. Local Assembly of Leaders
The Arch/Diocesan Assembly Core shall comprise:
1. The Arch/Diocesan Leader;
2. The Assistant Arch/Diocesan Leader;
3. The Immediate Past Diocesan Leader
4. The Arch/Diocesan Chairman (if Arch/Diocesan Leader’s appointment is full time);
5. The Arch/Diocesan Secretary; (and the Assistant Secretary where applicable),
6. The Arch/Diocesan Financial Secretary;
7. The Arch/Diocesan Spiritual Director/Chaplain;
8. Two representatives each from the Arch/Diocesan Women’s Ministry, Children Ministry and the Arch/Diocesan Youth Ministry (preferably Leader and Secretary).
A. The Zonal/District/Deanery Assembly of Leaders, also known as the Zonal/District/Deanery Assembly shall comprise the following:
1. Zonal/District/Deanery Leader,
2. Assistant Zonal/District/Deanery Leader,
3. Immediate Past Zonal/District/Deanery Leader
4. Zonal/District/Deanery Secretary,
5. Zonal/District/Deanery Financial Secretary,
6. Zonal/District/Deanery Spiritual Director/Chaplain,
7. Two representatives (Leader and Secretary) of each Zonal/District/Deanery Ministry Coordinating Team,
8. Two representatives each of all Prayer Groups (preferably Leader & Secretary);
The Zonal/District/Deanery Assembly Core shall be composed of the following:
1. Zonal/District/Deanery Leader,
2. Assistant Zonal/District/Deanery Leader,
3. Immediate Past Zonal/District/Deanery Leader
4. Zonal/District/Deanery Secretary,
5. Zonal/District/Deanery Financial Secretary,
6. Spiritual Director/Chaplain.
7. Two representatives of each Zonal/District/Deanery Ministry (preferably Leader and Secretary)
Every Prayer Group within a Parish (including main and outstations) shall have a Local Assembly of Leaders (LAL) also known as the Local Assembly which shall act under the guidance of the Parish Priest and his Assistant(s).
The Local Assembly shall comprise the following;
1. Prayer Group Leader;
2. Assistant Prayer Group Leader;
3. Immediate Past Leader
4. Secretary;
5. Assistant Secretary;
6. Financial Secretary;
7.Ministry Leaders
The Core of the Local Assembly shall comprise
1. The Prayer Group Leader;
2. The Assistant Prayer Group Leader;
3. Immediate Past Leader;
4. The Secretary;
5. The Assistant Secretary;
6. The Financial Secretary